Smart Office


Smart Office

Create a Comfort Environment & Reduce Carbon Emissions

Intelligent building focuses on the control of building equipment while smart building extends the scope with human interactions. We develop building applications that connect human with building facilities, for instance, a mobile application that allows occupants to express their comfort level and the system will take care of the rest; they could open the window in a sunny afternoon, or dim the conference room lights during presentation with a few taps on their phone. The next generation smart building not only enhances people’s living quality, it also has a positive impact on the building energy consumption, which contributes to the reduction of carbon emissions.

Key Features

  • Sun shading system working in conjunction with dimmable lighting system. Motorized curtain reacts with different scenario based on outdoor brightness, together with dimmable lighting system to maximize energy saving by utilizing natural light source as a priority.
  • Automatic temperature control based on thermal comfort model. Traditional fan coil control methodology considers solely on temperature itself as the indicator for set point adjustment. Our thermal comfort algorithm takes human as the core indicator, together with data such as indoor and outdoor temperature to improve the air conditioning controls.

Smart Booking System

  • Check room and desk availability from the floor plan map on mobile app
  • Schedule a meeting, reserve a conference room and invite attendees in a few easy steps
  • Set up third party video conference solutions such as WebEx and Scopia within the app
  • Book rooms or seats in multiple offices

Voice assist command

  • Send a text, set reminders, turn on battery saver and instantly look up emails.
  • Your Assistant makes it incredibly simple to find your photos — and to take them as well.
  •  Voice command to dim lights, adjust aircon comfort, Book meeting room and the rest is in your imagination!

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